Science and Technology

Discover the magic

of a healthy skin

We use the DNA of your microorganisms and artificial intelligence to provide you with personalized solutions that will improve the health of your skin.

Science and Technology

Discover the magic

of a healthy skin

We use the DNA of your microorganisms and artificial intelligence to provide you with personalized solutions that will improve the health of your skin.

Did you know that there are

200 microorganismos

for every cell in our skin? 

The natural balance of these microorganisms provides us with health, protection and well-being. And its imbalance favors the appearance of acne, rosacea, atopic dermatitis, dehydration, premature aging, etc.

Although there are different products available, many produce side effects and fail to solve the problem. That’s why we use science and technology to offer you personalized solutions that balance your skin’s microbiome.

Microbiota and

The microbiota is the community of microorganisms that occupy a particular habitat, such as the skin, while the microbiome is the microbiota and the function they perform within that environment. 

Prebiotics and Probiotics

Prebiotics are foods that act as nutrients for the human microbiota.

Probiotics are live microorganisms intended to maintain or improve the “good” bacteria (normal microbiota) in the body, such as the skin.

Caring for your skin through 

science, tecnology and innovation